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“Romancing the Boulevard” performance by the Big Band Swing Musicians from America’s Hometown Band **CHANGE OF LOCATION **

August 29 @ 7:00 pm - 8:30 pm

“ROMANCING THE BOULEVARD”  On Thursday August 29 at 7 pm, the Big Band Swing musicians from America’s Hometown Band are performing a Free, Public Concert

HAS MOVED TO CORNERSTONE CENTER FOR THE ARTS AT 520 E MAIN STREET  Parking is available on the North and East sides of the building and on street parking as well !

Bandleader is Larry McWilliams, pro trumpeter & BSU emeritus Professor of Music. The event location is 400 W Minnetrista Blvd in Muncie.


Cornerstone Center for the Arts

520 E Main St
Muncie, IN 47305 United States