February 12 – March 15 The Ned and Gloria Griner Art Gallery Awards Night: Saturday, February 22 from 6 P.M. – 8 P.M. Gallery Hours: Tuesday – Friday: 10 A.M. – 4 P.M. Closed weekends and all Ball State breaks and holidays.
The School of Art and The Griner Gallery invites the public to the 90th Annual Student Art Show, a competitive juried show honoring the School of Art’s outstanding student artists. Come view the work of our talented students for free!
The show is juried by a professional artist from outside Ball State, resulting in an exhibition that includes a broad range of artworks, media, and styles. This annual event is a great opportunity to see the exciting art produced by the students in the School of Art, and a must-see event for anyone who appreciates contemporary art. We hope you can stop by and check out this exciting exhibition!
All students currently enrolled in classes in the School of Art are eligible to enter artwork for the juror’s consideration. Work from all areas of study in the School of Art are eligible for entry, including animation, ceramics, drawing, game art/design, glass, graphic design, graphic arts management, illustration, metals + jewelry, painting, photography, printmaking, sculpture, and video and new media. Approximately $5000 in awards are given each year.